Almost everyone has probably heard of Delta 9 THC and CBD, which are naturally occurring substances in the cannabis plant. But few people know about Delta 8 THC, HHC, or other significant trends in the cannabis industry. So let's see what the differences are between these two cannabinoids.
Delta 8 THC
Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid, which means it is one of the dozens of substances found in the cannabis plant. Each cannabinoid has a unique effect on the body. Two of the cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (aka THC Delta 9) and cannabidiol (aka CBD). So what is the difference between Delta 8 THC and standard THC? And why do people use Delta 8? Here is what you should know about Delta 8 THC before you try it. When people talk about THC, they are usually talking about Delta 9 THC, which is the most abundant form found in hemp plants. Delta 8 is a slightly less potent version of D9 THC, although both these compounds share psychoactive properties. Chemically they are similar, but D8 is less intoxicating. After Delta 9 is exposed to oxygen for a long period of time, Delta 8 THC is formed. For example, if the cannabis isn't stored properly, regular THC turns into D8. Unfortunately, it is often related to mold formation. So why do people search for Delta 8 near me? In countries where cannabis is legal, people prefer Delta 8 because it is less psychoactive, and the side effects associated with Delta 9, such as uncontrollable appetite, dry mouth, or dry eyes, are less intense. People also often prefer D8 THC for its relaxing and calming effects. Unfortunately, this cannabinoid hasn't been studied much, so we don't yet know for 100% what its real benefits are. However, users report using D8 products for the following:
- Relaxation
- Mood improvement
- Better sleep
- Pain relief
- Better socialization
- Creativity
- Increased productivity.
Although Delta 8 THC has a certain potential for medicinal and general use, the level of research on this substance is still relatively low, and the side effects are much more pronounced compared to, for example, CBD.
In general, interest in D8 THC has increased worldwide due to its milder effects and potential medicinal uses. Although there is still a lot of evidence missing for clear proclamations, and some research on cannabinoids is lacking, the following studies seem promising:
- A 2003 study found that it appears to slow the growth of tumors in a laboratory setting
- A 2004 study found that the cannabinoid can also stimulate appetite and improve brain function in mice
- A 2018 study reported that Delta 8 THC could help with inflammation and pain.
Hopefully, future studies will reveal more benefits of Delta 8 THC as well as reveal its potential for wider use.

What Is HHC Extract (Hexahydrocannabinol)?
It was 1944 when American chemist Roger Adams was the first to create the HHC extract by simply adding hydrogen molecules to Delta 9 THC. This process, known as hydrogenation, converts Delta 9 into HHC (hexahydrocannabinol). Hydrogenation is not used only to create new cannabinoids; it is also used when vegetable oil is converted into margarine. While Adams created HHC from conventional hemp-derived THC, these days, the cannabinoid is usually acquired through a special process using industrial hemp plants with very low Delta 9 THC (less than 0.3%), which often has a higher CBD range and are legal to grow in most countries.
So how is HHC extract obtained? It is a several-step technique! First, CBD is extracted from natural raw hemp. After that, it is distilled and isolated. And the end result is an extract that has a powder form. After that, the course to get HHC is a bit more complicated. CBD obtained from hemp serves as the basis for the chemical reaction that produces HHC. Manufacturing can be described as a process that takes place in a chemical reactor. Think of it as a magic box. In goes CBD and gets out HHC. This takes the form of dark golden oil, which the producers refine further before distillation. In the case of HHC, we cannot talk about a natural method, but it is a synthetic cannabinoid originating from a laboratory.

HHC vs. Delta 8
So what are the effects of HHC on the body? Unfortunately, there is no agreement on the effectiveness of HHC extract. Part of the chaos arises from the fact that when the cannabinoid is made, the final result is a combination of two various kinds of HHC molecules. One is 9S HHC, which does not bind with the body's endocannabinoid receptors because it has a different kind of molecular structure. The other one is 9R HHC. This molecule actively binds with the body's endocannabinoid receptors. The molecule that "fits" (like a key and lock) into the endocannabinoid receptors produces similar effects to Delta 8 THC but requires a much larger amount to have an effect. Therefore, effects strikingly similar to THC Delta 9 can be observed at a sufficient dose. However, HHC is more potent than D8, which is typically believed to be about half as potent as the "standard" THC. One of the ground-breaking researches confirmed the reduction of pain after testing on rats, but this is only a partial result, for which no further studies have yet stood. users
When consumers talk about the effects of HHC, they usually feel energized, while Delta 8 produces calming and uplifting euphoria. With HHC, users report that they are bright, their brains are working "at full speed," and their usual body aches are gone. However, in general, it is difficult to judge to what extent because this is a subjective feeling.