Recently, Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 8) has become very popular in cannabis products, which people can buy in countries where hemp products are legal.
However, where did this neglected chemical relative of standard THC come from? Delta 8 THC has been in cannabis since ancient times. Yet, our knowledge of its existence began only in 1964, when researchers discovered Delta 9 THC, a cannabinoid that is well known as THC. Sometime later, more specialists started to reveal the benefits of cannabis and describe its biochemical characterization and therapeutic potential. After the discovery of this cannabinoid, scientists were interested in this component for a while. They tested its effects on the human body, the potential to stop the growth of tumors, and whether it could be used as an antiemetic - a medicine against nausea. However, additional research on this promising cannabinoid later was suspended for more than twenty years after some time. Yet, Delta 8, like other cannabinoids, gradually began to come to the forefront of interest not only to the professional public.
Nowadays, more than sixty cannabinoids have been reported to react with the human body's endocannabinoid system. Scientists also managed to find Delta 8 THC in the early '70s. Unfortunately, though, the newly discovered component did not become the focus of much interest because, at first sight, it seemed to not occur so often in nature compared to Delta 9. And its efficacy was also lower in comparison. The researchers then found that the structure of the two compounds is identical and varied only in the location of one atomic bond. Nevertheless, even a trivial variation can indicate that the compound will ultimately have a radically different effect on a person than expected. Delta 8 THC does not have as strong psychoactive effects as Delta 9 THC.
Are Drug Tests For Delta 8 Are The Same As For Delta 9?
So if you have purchased Delta 8 product and want to try but are also wondering whether it will be visible on a drug test or not, then read along. The biological data on Delta 8 is minimal until now, and researchers evaluate this compound based on what they understand about THC. You can feel Delya 8's effect more than 4 hours but how long it stays in your system is related to several things that differ from person to person. Ordinary, Delta 8 can remain in your system (blood, urine) from 1 to 90 days. Usually, the drug tests analyze for THC metabolites. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alone is responsible for the creation of over a hundred different metabolites. When the cannabinoids are broken down in the body, the metabolites start to formulate. The enzymes in the liver finish this process because this organ is responsible for processing most other medications. As a result, it is transformed into smaller molecules (metabolites). That is why you can get a positive test answer when using Delta 8 products, even when you did not use THC.
Other Features To Take Into Account
Numerous features can influence on the fact how long THC components can stay in a person's body. For example:
- sex
- age
- the body's metabolism rate
- the cannabis product type
- lifestyle
- frequency of cannabis use
- the type and sensitivity of the drug test.
Even a minimal amount of Delta 8 THC can make you fail the drug test. However, remember that all drug tests can detect both Delta 8 and Delta 9 because most drug tests monitor for any standard THC metabolite.
However, to have a clear drug test, you need to realize that it is not only about how long the Delta 8 remains in your body but mainly what kind of test you take.
The blood drug test can identify THC metabolites for up to 2 days.
The Urine test is known to be the most common drug test. The clinical examination of urine tests highlights the average results on how long cannabis stays in the system. For occasional users, the effects can last 3 days. Moderate users can expect Delta 8's effects in their system for around a week (5 to 7 days). For daily users, about 10 – 15 days and heavy chronic users can have traces of Delta 8 THC for more than 30 days.
Therefore, higher doses and more frequent use of Delta 8 are linked to higher concentrations of THC metabolites. Hence, these features significantly influence the time required to clean Delta 8 out of your system.
Saliva examinations are generally used for roadside testing. They can be more delicate than blood or urine tests, but primarily it looks for psychoactive THC. This drug test can identify Delta 8 THC alongside other cannabinoids within 1 to 29 days (after last consumption).
Hair follicle analyses can give a piece of information about Delta 8 use for the past 90 days (considering that, on average, hair grows 0.5 inches in a month). The information above is based on testings of Delta 8 users who consume this hemp compound around 3 or 4 times a week.
Delta 8 Consumption Methods